Saturday, April 30, 2011

Politics - Canadian Elections

I am voting for the Conservative Party ... I don't see any other present leader that I feel can do the job of running the country, except Harper. 

Stephen Harper has been one of the best prime ministers in Canadian history, in my opinion, and came at a time when he was really needed, given this depression in which the world has found itself battling.  He's not perfect, but he has done good by our country.  I shudder to think what would've happened if the Liberals had been in power, and tremble at the very idea of the NDP being in control of our countries coffers during this economic depression.  We would've been in a far worse situation than we find ourselves in now (which is actually one of the best worldwide).

1 comment:

Yellow daisies

Yellow daisies
taken in Nanaimo

White daisies

White daisies
field of daisies taken in Nanaimo